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Teni FS, Burström B, Devlin N, Parkin D, Rolfson O, for the The Swedish Quality Register (SWEQR) Study Group: Abbott A, Ekström M, Forssblad M, Fritzell P, Jonsson Å, Landén M, Möller M, Regardt M, Rosengren B, Schmitt-Egenolf M, Vinblad J, Dahl AW. Experience-based health state valuation using the EQ VAS: a register-based study of the EQ-5D-3L among nine patient groups in Sweden. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2023; 21(1):34.
Sundh J, Palm A, Ljunggren M, Emilsson Ö I, Grote L, Cajander S, et al. Risk and outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with oxygen-dependent chronic respiratory failure- a national cohort study. Respiratory medicine. 2023;218:107392.
Björklund F, Palm A, Gorani JA, Ahmadi Z, Sundh J, Theorell-Haglow J, Ljunggren M, Grote L, Wadell K, Ekstrom M. Breathlessness and exercise performance to predict mortality in long-term oxygen therapy - The population-based DISCOVERY study. Respiratory medicine 2023: 107306.
Nyström H, Ekström M, Berkius J, Ström A, Walther S, Inghammar M. Prognosis after Intensive Care for COPD Exacerbation in Relation to Long-Term Oxygen Therapy: A Nationwide Cohort Study. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2023; 20(1):64-70.
Svensson M, Ekström M, Sundh J, Ljunggren M, Grote L, Palm A. Adherence to CPAP therapy in Down syndrome: the population-based DISCOVERY study. J Clin Sleep Med. 2023 Mar 1;19(3):453-458. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.10364. PMID: 36458740; PMCID: PMC9978440.
Palm A, Theorell-Haglöw J, Isakson J, Ljunggren M, Sundh J, Ekström MP, Grote L. Association between obstructive sleep apnoea and cancer: a cross-sectional, population-based study of the DISCOVERY cohort. BMJ Open. 2023 Mar 3;13(3):e064501. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-064501. PMID: 36868588; PMCID: PMC9990651.
Bengtsson C, Grote L, Ljunggren M, Ekström M, Palm A. Nasal polyposis is a risk factor for nonadherence to CPAP treatment in sleep apnea: the population-based DISCOVERY study. J Clin Sleep Med. 2023 Mar 1;19(3):573-579. doi: 10.5664/jcsm.10390. PMID: 36546358; PMCID: PMC9978419.
Skär L, Borg C, Emtner M, Ekström M. Thoughts on the end of life in patients with oxygen-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A qualitative interview study. Nursing Open 2023; 10:2158–2164
Teni FS, Rolfson O, Devlin N, Parkin D, Nauclér E, Burström K, The Swedish Quality Register (SWEQR) Study Group. Longitudinal study of patients’ health-related quality of life using EQ-5D3L in 11 Swedish National Quality Registers. BMJ Open 2022;12:e048176.
Björklund F, Ekström M. Adverse Effects, Smoking, Alcohol Consumption and Quality of Life During Long-Term Oxygen Therapy: A Nationwide Study. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 2022; 19(10):1677-86.
Sundh J, Ekström M, Palm A, Ljunggren M, Emilsson ÖI, Grote L, Cajander S, Li H, Nyberg F. COVID-19 and risk of oxygen-dependent chronic respiratory failure – a national cohort study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2022; 206(4):506-509.
Sundh J, Palm A, Wahlberg J, Runold M, Ekström M. Impact of covid-19 on long-term oxygen therapy 2020: a nationwide study in Sweden. PLoS ONE 2022; 17(4):e0266367.
Palm A, Grote L, Ekström M, Ljunggren, M. Health risks related to polyurethan foam degradation in CPAP devices used for sleep apnoea treatment. European Respiratory Journal 2022; 59:2200237.
Palm A, Ekström M. Hypoxemia severity and survival in ILD and COPD on long-term oxygen therapy – the population-based DISCOVERY study. Respiratory Medicine 2021; 189:106659.
Teni FS, Rolfson O, Devlin N, Parkin D, Nauclér E, Burström E; The Swedish Quality Register (SWEQR) Study Group. Variations in Patients’ Overall Assessment of Their Health Across and Within Disease Groups Using the EQ-5D Questionnaire: Protocol for a Longitudinal Study in the Swedish National Quality Registers. JMIR Research Protocols 2021; 10(8): e27669.
Palm A, Grote L, Ljunggren M, Theorell-Haglöw J, Sundh J, Midgren B, Ekström M. Socioeconomic factors and adherence to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure - the population-based DISCOVERY study. Chest 2021. In press.
Genberg J, Davies JM, Ahmadi Z, Currow DC, Johnson MJ, Tanash H, Bajwah S, Ekström M. Indications and patterns of use of benzodiazepines and opioids in severe interstitial lung disease: a population-based longitudinal study. European Respiratory Journal Open Research 2021; 7: 00716-20200.
Sundh J, Bornefalk-Hermansson A, Ahmadi Z, Blomberg A, Janson C, Currow DC, McDonald CF, McCaffrey N, Ekström M. REgistry-based randomized controlled trial of treatment Duration and mortality in long-term OXygen therapy (REDOX) study protocol. BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2019; 19(1):50.
Lacasse Y, Krischnan J, Maltais F, Ekström M. Patient registries for home oxygen research and evaluation. International Journal of COPD 2019; 14: 1299—1304.
Heddini A, Sundh J, Ekström M, Janson C. Effectiveness trials: critical data to help understand how respiratory medicines really work? Eur Clin Respir Journal 2019; 29;6(1):1565804.
Bajwah S, Davies J, Tanash H, Currow DC, Oluyase A, Ekström M. Safety of benzodiazepines and opioids in interstitial lung disease: A national prospective study. European Respiratory Journal 2018; 52: 180127
Sundh J, Ahmadi Z, Ekström M. Daily duration of long-term oxygen therapy and risk of hospitalization in oxygen-dependent COPD patients. International Journal of COPD 2018:13 2623–2628
Palm A, Midgren B, Theorell-Haglöw J, Ekström M, Ljunggren M, Jansson C, Lindberg E. Factors influencing adherence to continuous positive airway pressure treatment in obstructive sleep apnea and mortality associated with treatment failure – a national registry-based cohort study. Sleep Medicine 2018, 51: 85-91.
Ekström M, Ahmadi Z, Larsson H, Nilsson T, Wahlberg J, Ström KE, Midgren B. A nationwide structure for valid long-term oxygen therapy: 29-year prospective data in Sweden Int J COPD 2017; 12:3159-3169.
Ekström M, Tanash H. Lung transplantation and survival outcomes in patients with oxygen-dependent COPD with regard to their alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency status. Int J COPD 2017. Accepted.
Tanash H, Ringbaek T, Huss F, Ekström M. Burn injury during long-term oxygen therapy in Denmark and sweden: the potential role of smoking. Int J COPD 2017; 12:193-197.
Ahmadi Z, Currow DC, Ekström M. Prescription of Opioids for Breathlessness in End-Stage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: a National Population Based Study. Int J COPD 2016; 11:2651-2657.
Ahmadi Z, Currow DC, Ekström M. The need for greater opioid pharmacovigilance in COPD: authors’ reply. Int J COPD 2017; 12:189-192.
Ahmadi Z, Sundh J, Bornefalk-Hermansson A, Ekström M. Long-term oxygen therapy 24 vs 15 h/day and mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PLoS One 2016; 11(9):e0163293.
Ahmadi Z, Wysham N, Lundström S, Janson C, Currow DC, Ekström M. End of life care in oxygen-dependent ILD compared to lung cancer: a national population-based study. Thorax 2016; 71(6):510-516.
Ekström M. The Clinical Usefulness of Long-Term Oxygen Therapy in Adults. New England J Med 2016; 375(17):1683-1684
Ekström M. What can we learn about breathlessness from population-based and administrative health data? Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2016; 10(3):223–227.
Ekström M, Ahmadi Z, Bornefalk-Hermansson A, Abernethy AA, Currow DC. Oxygen for breathlessness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who do not qualify for home oxygen therapy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016; 11: CD006429.
Ekström M, Bornefalk-Hermansson A. Cardiovascular and Anti-Acid Treatment and Mortality in Oxygen-Dependent Pulmonary Fibrosis: a Population-Based Longitudinal Study. Respirology. 2016 May;21(4):705-11.
Palm A, Midgren B, Janson C, Lindberg E. Gender differences in patients starting long-term home mechanical ventilation due to obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Respir Med 2016; 110: 73-8.
Ahmadi Z, Lundström S, Janson C, Strang P, Emtner M, Currow DC, Ekström M. End-of-life care in oxygen-dependent COPD and cancer: a national population-based study. Eur Resp J 2015;46(4):1190-3.
Tanash H, Huss F, Ekström M. The risk of burn injury during long term oxygen therapy: a 17-year longitudinal national study in Sweden. Int J COPD 2015; 10:2479–2484.
Ekström M, Bornefalk-Hermansson A, Abernethy A, Currow D. Low-dose opioids should be considered for symptom relief also in advanced COPD. Evid Based Med 2015 Jan 6. pii: ebmed-2014-110130.
Ekström M, Gustafson T, Boman K, et al. Effects of smoking, gender and occupational exposure on the risk of severe pulmonary fibrosis: a population-based casecontrol study. BMJ Open 2014;4:e004018. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2013-004018
Ekström M, Bornefalk-Hermansson A, Abernethy AP, Currow DC. Safety of benzodiazepines and opioids in very severe respiratory disease: national prospective study. BMJ 2014;348:g445
Ahmadi Z, Bornefalk-Hermansson A, Franklin KA, Midgren B, Ekström MP. Hypo- and hypercapnia predict mortality in oxygen-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a population-based prospective study. Respir Res. 2014 Mar 13;15(1):30. [Epub ahead of print]
Ekström MP. The rise and fall of COPD mortality. Lancet Respir Med. 2014 Jan;2(1):4-6.
Ekström MP, Bornefalk Hermansson A, Ström KE. Effects of Cardiovascular Drugs on Mortality in Severe COPD: A Time-Dependent Analysis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013;187(7): 715-720
Ekström MP, Jogréus C, Ström KE. Comorbidity and sex-related differences in mortality in oxygen-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35806
Ekström MP, Wagner P, Ström KE. Trends in cause-specific mortality in oxygen-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2011; 183:1032-36.
Ekström M, Franklin KA, Ström KE. Increased Relative Mortality in Women with Severe Oxygen-dependent COPD. Chest 2010; 137:31-36.
Tollefsen E, Midgren B, Bakke P, Fondenes O. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Gender differences in the use of mechanical ventilation. Eur J Neurol 2010; 17:1352-57
Midgren B. Home mechanical ventilation in chest wall disease should aim at full correction of PaCO2. Respir Med 2010; 104:1765-6.
Gustafson T, Löfdahl K, Ström K. A model of quality assessment in patients on long-term oxygen therapy. Respir Med 2009;103: 209-15.
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Gustafson T, Dahlman-Höglund A, Nilsson K, Ström K, Tornling G, Torén G. Occupational exposure and severe pulmonary fibrosis. Respiratory Medicine, 2007 Oct;101(10):2207-12.
Laub M, Berg S, Midgren B. Symptoms, clinical and physiological findings motivating home mechanical ventilation in patients with neuromuscular diseases. J Rehab Med 2006; 38: 250-254.
Laub M, Midgren B. The effects of nocturnal home mechanical ventilation on daytime blood gas disturbances. Clin Physiol Funct Imaging 2006;26:79-82.
GustafsonT, Franklin K, Midgren B, Pehrsson K, Ranstam J, Ström K. Survival of patients with kyphoscoliosis receiving mechanical ventilation or oxygen at home. Chest 2006;130: 1828-1833.