This web-site presents information about clinical and angiographical results of coronary stenting with different types of stents. Updates will be posted regularly reportin angiographically verified stent occlusions with an acute clinical presentation. This event is the SCAAR substitute for the ARC definition of “definite stent thrombosis”. The difference is that non-occlusive stent thromboses are not registered in SCAAR during the whole follow-up time.

 Since 2004/2005 (see methodological remarks) each individual coronary stent used in Sweden can be follow regarding important clinical/angiographically endpoints as restenosis and acute occlusions. Our intent with these presentations is not to conclude that any particular stent is “better” or “worse” than any of the other stents. Still we think that it is important to show the un-commented result and thereby maybe by this encourage the performance of prospective randomized studies with direct comparisons between different stents.

 There are many possible factors that may influence the results of stenting with different stents. We have tried to compensate for some of these by introducing all available different background , clinical and procedural factors registered in our registry in a multivariable statistical model (see methodological remarks), However, some factors of known importance both for the selection of stent type and the result, such as bail-out stenting in complex situations, large coronary dissections and stenting in specific types of complex vessels (tourtous and or calcified), are not registered in our registry. The best way to compare the performance and outcome is by randomized trial.

 (January 19th 2012): Since beginning of 2007 is in not only possible to analyse acute stent occlusions in the database but also occurance of non-occlusive angiographical thrombus. Acute stent occlusion or non-occlusive thrombus in a previously inplanted stent (with acute clinical presentation) are now presented as Stent Thrombus for stents inplanted since 2007. Presentation of reported restenosis are also added since 2007 for stents used i Sweden at least 1000 times.


Angiographically verified stent occlusions with acute clinical presentation (Stent thrombosis):


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