In English
About Swedvasc
The Swedish National Registry for Vascular Surgery, Swedvasc, started in 1987 as a local vascular registry in southern Sweden. The number of hospitals attached to the registry has rapidly expanded, and since 1994, all Swedish hospitals with a vascular service have joined Swedvasc.
The initial registrations were made on paper protocols, but from 2003 on, the register is web-based. Swedvasc is administered from the Uppsala Clinical Research Center (UCR), Uppsala, Sweden, together with other national health care registries. A steering committee with representatives from both university and county hospitals is monitoring the registry. The steering committee is also responsible for the development of the registry and the annual report. The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) is providing funding for the registry, which means that private sponsorship is not needed. Each year, the annual report, so far only in Swedish, is published both in paper form and as a PDF file on the homepage of Swedvasc.
An increasing number of scientific reports have been published using Swedvasc data. The registry is regularly validated and has collaboration with Vascunet.
A link to the current Swedvasc steering committee is provided below: